UPSDA is a regionally operating NGO, an alliance of professionals with different backgrounds in education and culture established in 2011 in Plovdiv.

Main activities: Development of methodologies, tailor-made interactive training designed to fit personal & organizational goals, facilitating courses, seminars, workshops & other forms of events to raise awareness &/or to gain basic culture, educational level & life skills.

UPSDA are operates in Plovdiv prison since 2014, providing skills training & support for offenders, through cultural & art activities.
UPSDA is beneficent on two major project – part of the official program of Plovdiv – European Capital of Culture 2019: The art of Life Through the Life of Art (Duration:2017-2018) & BRIDGE (Building Relationships, Integration, Dialogue & Growing Engagement) through Art (2018-2019). In 2019 we are going to organize a Festival of all operators, working with Art & Theater with the disadvantaged.

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